[批处理精品]纯批处理备份&还原驱动[批处理精品]CMD命令50条不能说的秘密[在线下载]第三方命令行工具[在线帮助]VBScript / JScript 在线参考
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<Start "%0">
<End "%0">


回复 16# defanive

  1. [Main]
  2. Command help desk
  3. Query help
  4. Automatic inquiry
  5. File
  6. New
  7. Open
  8. Save
  9. Save as ...
  10. Exit
  11. Edit
  12. Revoke
  13. Redo
  14. Copy
  15. Cut
  16. Paste
  17. Select all
  18. More functions
  19. Find
  20. Replace
  21. Find the next one
  22. Tools
  23. Quick head
  24. Quick editing interface
  25. Plug-in editor Grammar editor
  26. Generate file code
  27. Package batch
  28. Command prompt
  29. Clean up the software cache
  30. Options
  31. Font
  32. Color setting
  33. Bubble tip
  34. Complete automaticall
  35. Highlight the code
  36. Preview dialog box
  37. Clear the cache when exiting
  38. Commissioning
  39. Run batch processing
  40. Debug batch processing
  41. End the automatic pause of operation
  42. Clean up files after debugging
  43. Window
  44. Toolbar
  45. Help desk
  46. Open
  47. On the right
  48. On the left
  49. Put it on the lower side
  50. Always at the top
  51. Translucent window
  52. Help
  53. Help topics
  54. About
  55. Report the problem
  56. Update components
  57. Right click
  58. Copy
  59. Cut
  60. Paste
  61. Go to the tab
  62. Query
  63. Go to match
  64. Select all
  65. Go to the line
  66. Look up
  67. Replace
  68. Attributes
  69. [OpenForm]
  70. File length:
  71. File type:
  72. [BDForm]
  73. Operating parameters:
  74. Delay speed coefficient:
  75. Output an error message
  76. Monitor variables
  77. Cancel
  78. Start debugging
  79. Click to switch to breakpoint editing
  80. Reverse
  81. Switch to breakpoint editing
  82. Select all
  83. [DebugForm]
  84. Commissioning
  85. Start debugging
  86. Stop debugging
  87. Breakpoint
  88. Continue with the breakpoint
  89. Skip breakpoint
  90. Execute code
  91. Modify this line
  92. Options
  93. Cmd window is always at the top
  94. Allow the cmd window to move
  95. Capture the cmd window
  96. [EdForm]
  97. Add
  98. Delete
  99. Add content:
  100. Add type:
  101. [TmpCodeForm]
  102. Execute
  103. Please enter the code to be executed

