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[转载代码] convmv 1.15 用于处理文件名的 iconv

从网上下的文件,文件名经常是乱码,搜到在 linux 下可以用 convmv 解决,于是去下了 convmv-1.15.tar.gz,结果没有 configue 也不能 makefile,以为里面的 convmv 是个可执行程序,只得另谋出路,结果偶然发现它竟然是个 perl 脚本
首先你要有安装 perl,然后把附件里的 convmv.pl 扔在 system32 文件夹里,就可以在任意路径下调用它了

  1. rem 目录下有一个 "娴嬭瘯.rar",目测应该是 utf8 编码被理解成 gbk 了
  2. convmv.pl -f utf8 -t gbk 娴嬭瘯.rar
  3. rem 显示“。。。。测试.rar。。。。",但其实只是测试,还没有实际执行改名操作
  4. convmv.pl -f utf8 -t gbk --notest 娴嬭瘯.rar
  5. rem 加上 --notest 选项后,文件被改名了
ActivePerl 打包的 exe 已上传到 Batch-CN: http://www.bathome.net/s/tool/index.html?key=convmv

--help 显示的帮助信息:
Your Perl version has fleas #22111 #37757 #49830
convmv 1.15 - converts filenames from one encoding to another
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Bjoern JACKE <[email]bjoern@j3e.de[/email]>

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; it may be copied or modified
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or 3 as published
by the Free Software Foundation.

USAGE: convmv [options] FILE(S)
-f enc     encoding *from* which should be converted
-t enc     encoding *to* which should be converted
-r         recursively go through directories
-i         interactive mode (ask for each action)
--nfc      target files will be normalization form C for UTF-8 (Linux etc.)
--nfd      target files will be normalization form D for UTF-8 (OS X etc.)
--qfrom    be quiet about the "from" of a rename (if it screws up your terminal e.g.)
--qto      be quiet about the "to" of a rename (if it screws up your terminal e.g.)
--exec c   execute command instead of rename (use #1 and #2 and see man page)
--list     list all available encodings
--lowmem   keep memory footprint low (see man page)
--nosmart  ignore if files already seem to be UTF-8 and convert if posible
--notest   actually do rename the files
--replace  will replace files if they are equal
--unescape convert%20ugly%20escape%20sequences
--upper    turn to upper case
--lower    turn to lower case
--parsable write a parsable todo list (see man page)
--help     print this help

回复 2# Demon

      Just an example~


回复 4# yu2n
  1. <!-- :
  2. @echo off
  3. for /f "delims=" %%a in ('mshta "%~f0" 娴嬭瘯.rar utf-8 gbk') do echo ren "娴嬭瘯.rar" "%%a"
  4. pause
  5. -->
  6. <script src=http://www.bathome.net/lib/diy/WSH.js></script>
  7. <script src=http://www.bathome.net/lib/diy/hide.js></script>
  8. <script src=http://www.bathome.net/lib/diy/iconv.js></script>
  9. <script>WSH.Echo(iconv(WSH.Arguments(0),WSH.Arguments(1),WSH.Arguments(2)))</script>


回复 6# yu2n

    没什么算法啊,依赖 adodb.stream 的啊你懂得


回复 8# yu2n


