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[文本处理] 批处理怎样为所有TXT文件的每行文字添加HTML换行标记?



In spite to the fact that open gastric bypass surgery is still often done an increasing quantity of surgeons are starting to adopt the laparoscopic approach and, although this requires quite a lot of training and expertise on the surgeon's part, there are several advantages to this approach. Take a look at a couple of:

1. As just about 5 tiny incisions are made the healing time following surgery is greatly reduced, as is the chance of infection and of suffering a hernia.

2. There's substantially less post-operative pain and the little discomfort that is present requirements only mild painkillers this kind of as tylenol and codeine.

3. Laparoscopic surgery enables greater precision since surgery is performed under magnification and the surgeon can see details that aren't visible during open surgery.

4. As laprascopic surgery is quicker than traditional open surgery the patient spends less time in surgery and requirements much less anesthesia, leading to fewer anesthesia-related complications.

5. As patients are on their feet rapidly there is less risk of blood clots, bed sores, pneumonia and other complications normally associated with immobility.


<P>In spite to the fact that open gastric bypass surgery is still often done an increasing quantity of surgeons are starting to adopt the laparoscopic approach and, although this requires quite a lot of training and expertise on the surgeon's part, there are several advantages to this approach. Take a look at a couple of:</P>

<P>1. As just about 5 tiny incisions are made the healing time following surgery is greatly reduced, as is the chance of infection and of suffering a hernia.</P>

<P>2. There's substantially less post-operative pain and the little discomfort that is present requirements only mild painkillers this kind of as tylenol and codeine.</P>

<P>3. Laparoscopic surgery enables greater precision since surgery is performed under magnification and the surgeon can see details that aren't visible during open surgery.</P>

<P>4. As laprascopic surgery is quicker than traditional open surgery the patient spends less time in surgery and requirements much less anesthesia, leading to fewer anesthesia-related complications.</P>

<P>5. As patients are on their feet rapidly there is less risk of blood clots, bed sores, pneumonia and other complications normally associated with immobility.</P>

[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-7-2 13:13 编辑 ]

  1. @echo off
  2. for %%a in (*.txt) do (
  3.     cd.>temp
  4.     for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%b in ('findstr /n .* %%a') do (
  5.         if "%%c" neq "" (
  6.            echo ^<p^>%%c^</p^>>>temp
  7.            ) else (
  8.            echo.>>temp
  9.         )
  10.     )
  11.     del /q %%a&ren temp %%a
  12. )
  13. del /q temp&echo 搞定!
  14. pause>nul

[ 本帖最后由 batman 于 2010-7-2 15:52 编辑 ]


  1. @for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type 1.txt') do (echo ^<P^>%%i>>a.txt)


感谢 Batcher老大,这个代码可以实现,假如不用SED的话,用批处理能否实现呢?

[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-7-2 13:38 编辑 ]


  1. sed -i "/^$/b;s#^#<P>#;s#$#</P>#" 1.txt

