- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ALog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Network Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Game - R3d Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\patchs\*.*"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Cross"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\TQM"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tgppatches"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data\User Data\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\GameLinker\GameHost\logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Pallas\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\Tenio\TenioDL\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log\tcls\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\NetworkAssist"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Cookies"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\config_backup"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\UIShellRes"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\CF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\dalong_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\DNF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\start_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\tencent_cloud"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\WeGamePlayer"
- rem 删除后没有对局信息D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Apps"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\acceleration"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\cachedata"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\client_config"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\crash_x64"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\qbblink"
- cls
- pushd D:\League of Legends
- for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /ad^|findstr "2021"') do rd /s /q "%%a"
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d^|findstr "2021"') do del /a /f /q "%%i"
- exit
- taskkill /f /im RiotClientServices.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im RiotClientCrashHandler.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im rail.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im pallas.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im wegame.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im QQProtect.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TP3Helper.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUxRender.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im browser.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuard64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuardSvc64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuardUpdate64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TenioDL.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im CrossProxy.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im uu.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im uu_ball.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im uu_render.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClient.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TenioDL.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUxRender.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUx.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueCrashHandler.exe /t
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\LeagueCrashHandler.exe"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\plugins"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\assistant.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\backgrounddownloader.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\bugreport.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ChangeSTDLL.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Repair.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\QBBlink\BugReport.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\QBBlink\tgp_minibrowser.exe"
- rem --ren可以重命名文件夹和文件
- ren "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Tenio\TenioDL" "TenioDL1"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrace.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrace.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrack.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\Ten\BugTrace.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\Ten\BugTrace.ini"
- rem --D:\League of Legends\Game\AntiCheatExpert 不能启动游戏
- rem --D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\AntiCheatExpert 登录后没反应
- rem --D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\AntiCheatExpert不能登录
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ACE-Helper.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ACE-Helper.dat"
- del /s/q D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\ACE-BASE.sys"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Helper.dat"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Helper.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ALog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Network Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Game - R3d Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\patchs\*.*"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Cross"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\TQM"
- rem 删除后没办法客户端登录 "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tgppatches"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data\User Data\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\.tiny_cache"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\GameLinker\GameHost\logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Pallas\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\Tenio\TenioDL\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log\tcls\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\NetworkAssist"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Cookies"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\config_backup"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\UIShellRes"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\CF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\dalong_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\DNF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\start_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\tencent_cloud"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\WeGamePlayer"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rem 删除后没有打野计时 /S /Q "D:\WeGame\acceleration"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\cachedata"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\client_config"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\crash_x64"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\qbblink"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\_RepoUpdateTempCopy_"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\League of Legends"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent"
- rd /S /Q "C:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "C:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "D:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "D:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "e:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "e:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "E:\KwDownload"
- rd /S /Q "F:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "F:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "G:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "G:\System Volume Information"
- pushd D:\League of Legends
- for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /ad^|findstr "2023"') do rd /s /q "%%a"
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d^|findstr "2023"') do del /a /f /q "%%i"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack\FeedBack.exe"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Program Files\AntiCheatExpert"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\log"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Program Files\AntiCheatExpert"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\rail_files"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\RailCrashReport"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Tencent"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\rail"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\League of Legends"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\ProgramData\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent"
- exit
- taskkill /f /im RiotClientServices.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im RiotClientCrashHandler.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im rail.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im pallas.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im wegame.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im QQProtect.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TP3Helper.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUxRender.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im browser.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuard64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuardSvc64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im SGuardUpdate64.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TenioDL.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im CrossProxy.exe /t
- --taskkill /f /im uu.exe /t
- --taskkill /f /im uu_ball.exe /t
- --taskkill /f /im uu_render.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClient.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TenioDL.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUxRender.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueClientUx.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im LeagueCrashHandler.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TASLogin.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im client.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TenioDL.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im tgp_browser.exe /t
- taskkill /f /im TinyDL.exe /t
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\LeagueCrashHandler.exe"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\plugins"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\assistant.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\backgrounddownloader.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\bugreport.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ChangeSTDLL.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Repair.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\QBBlink\BugReport.exe"
- --del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\QBBlink\tgp_minibrowser.exe"
- rem --ren可以重命名文件夹和文件
- ren "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Tenio\TenioDL" "TenioDL1"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Tenio\TenioDL"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\GVoiceLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\GVoiceTQos"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrace.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrace.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\BugTrack.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\Ten\BugTrace.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\Ten\BugTrace.ini"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\rail_files"
- rem --D:\League of Legends\Game\AntiCheatExpert 不能启动游戏
- rem --D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\AntiCheatExpert 登录后没反应
- rem --D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\AntiCheatExpert不能登录
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ACE-Helper.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ACE-Helper.dat"
- del /s/q D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\ACE-BASE.sys"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Helper.dat"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Helper.exe"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\Cross"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\Resources"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ALog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Air\logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\log\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Cross\Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Maestro Logs\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Network Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs\Game - R3d Logs\*.txt"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\patchs\*.*"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Cross"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\TQM"
- rem 删除后没办法客户端登录 "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tgppatches"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data\User Data\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\.tiny_cache"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\GameLinker\GameHost\logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\TLog"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\英雄联盟"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\rail_files "
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ALog"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Tenio\wxlog_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\tlog"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\debug.log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Pallas\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\Tenio\TenioDL\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Rail\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\log\tcls\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\NetworkAssist"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Cookies"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\config_backup"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\tcls\UIShellRes"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\CF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\dalong_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\DNF"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\start_client"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\tencent_cloud"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\WeGamePlayer"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\apps\Cross\Log"
- rem 删除后没有打野计时 /S /Q "D:\WeGame\acceleration"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\cachedata"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\client_config"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\crash_x64"
- rd /S /Q "D:\WeGame\qbblink"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\WeGameLauncher"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\_RepoUpdateTempCopy_"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\League of Legends"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent"
- rd /S /Q "C:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "C:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "D:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "D:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "e:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "e:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "E:\KwDownload"
- rd /S /Q "F:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "F:\System Volume Information"
- rd /S /Q "G:\$RECYCLE.BIN"
- rd /S /Q "G:\System Volume Information"
- pushd D:\League of Legends
- for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /ad^|findstr "2023"') do rd /s /q "%%a"
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d^|findstr "2023"') do del /a /f /q "%%i"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\log"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack\FeedBack.exe"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Program Files\AntiCheatExpert"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Logs"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client Data"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Riot Client\log"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Program Files\AntiCheatExpert"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\FeedBack"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\RailCrashReport"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Tencent"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\rail"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\League of Legends"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\ProgramData\Riot Games"
- rd /S /Q "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent"
- exit
上传一个 在用版本复制代码
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\Game\Config"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\AntiCheatExpert\InGame\x86"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\AntiCheatExpert\SGuard\x86"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\Config"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\DATA"
- rd /S /Q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\ui\new"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\Game\AntiCheatExpert\InGame\x64\csiw1.dat"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-GDPClient32.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-GDPOpenProtocol32.tdr"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Tips-Message32.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\ACE-Tips-Render32.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\GameLoader.exe"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\lockfile"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\LeagueClient\UxRpcs.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\__commonconfig.cfg.tmp"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\dirserverdynamic.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\LoginQ.dat"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\QosConfig.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\SeriQ.dat"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\config\versionserverconfigdynamic.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\repair\p2papp.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\repair\rpprompt.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\repair\rpver.dll"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\TenProtect\ACE-BASE.sys"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\__mmog_data.xml.bak"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\__mmog_data.xml.tmp"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\accelerator.ini"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\msvcp100.dll.bak"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\msvcr100.dll.bak"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\Speed.log"
- del /s/q "D:\League of Legends\TCLS\wegame_launch.tmp"
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