批处理之家's Archiver

bailang110 发表于 2012-12-3 21:11

BAT to make the MASM programme autom

[code]@echo off
::close echo
::clean screen
echo This programme is to make the MASM programme autom
::display info
echo Edit by CODERED
::display info
echo Mailto me : qqkiller***@sina.com
::display info
if "%1"=="" goto usage
::if input without paramater goto usage
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
::if paramater is "/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="help" goto usage
::if paramater is "help" goto usage
::pause to see usage
masm %1.asm
::assemble the .asm code
if errorlevel 1 pause & edit %1.asm
::if error pause to see error msg and edit the code
link %1.obj & %1
::else link the .obj file and execute the .exe file
::set usage
echo Usage: This BAT file name [asm file name]
echo Default BAT file name is START.BAT
::display usage[/code]

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